Wednesday, 20 October 2010

My questionnaire for music magazine

For my questionaire i chose questions that would be suitable for the type of magazine i wanted to make, i asked questions which would help me have a insight on what people like in a magazine, for example how much they would pay for it or what colour schemes are suitable for the genre of magazine i want to make.

For my AS coursework i would be very greatful of your time if you could fill out this questionaire.
1.     Are you male or female? Circle the answer

2.     What 3 words would you associate with indie?

3.     What is your favorite music magazine?

4.     How often do you buy a music magazine? Circle the answer

5.     On a scale of 1 to 5 , 1 being very important and 5 being irrelevant how      would you rate the following aspects of a magazine.
Pictures               1    2    3     4     5
Adverts               1    2     3     4    5
Competitions     1    2     3     4    5
Interviews          1    2     3     4    5

6.     What colours would you associate with a indie magazine

7.     Do you buy your music? Circle the answer

8.     Who is you favorite singer or band?

9.     Do you go to music concerts/ Gigs? Circle the answer
            10.  What would you say was your favorite part of a music magazine?

            11. What entices you to buy a music magazine

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Analysis of a double page spread

-One main image on one side of article.
-Main title.
-Smaller caption telling reader about article.
-Name of magazine next to page number.
-Quotes usually used to split up text which helps attract readers.
-Interviewer or reviewers name at beginning or end of Article.
-Small amount of colours – simple colour scheme.
-One large picture, which takes up a whole page, and sometimes bleeds between pages. (used to link       two pages together). Sometimes picture is across the whole double page spread, with all text on picture.
Quoter used sometimes in the headline, on the picture or in the stand first, or to break up the text.
Standfirst introduces the article and is positioned under headline, often include journalists name.
Drop capital used at start of the article, to show the reader where to start.
- Other techniques include: bold text , larger type face, capitals for first few words.
Headline sometimes uses stylised font. They arse used to draw the reader in but doesnt tell them what it's about, that is done by standfirst.
Byline who wrote article.
Often photogrpahs credited.
Laid out in 2 to 4 columns.
Strapline at top - subject matter.
Article is usually written informally and personality of journalist comes through.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

My evaluation of my magazine

What ways does your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My magazine is a good media product i think that it follows all of the codes and conventions of all the needs that a professional media magazine needs however it could be imporved by the amount of effort that has been put into it, another reason my media developes the codes and conventions of a magazine is that it has a large title at the top of the page which you see in most magazines it also has a issue number, price and date on the front cover this also is seen on every magazine that you can buy, furthermore, my magazines contents page is deveoped to follow codes and coventions of a magazine it has many differnt images and features articles across the contents page most of the writing is written in coloums like most magazines and also every contents page has the word 'Conetnts' wrtitten on that page preferabley at the top and my contents page does that.
How did you use new meida tecnologys in the construction of your media products?
In my media project we used two differnt sofweres for the contents page i used photoshop, photoshop is quite straight forward as i am aware of how to use the softwear as we have used it many times before you just design you front cover on photoshop the way you desire and then you simply add images and text.
However, on my contents page i was intorduced to a new softwear i had never used before called Quark express this is a softwear alot more better than photoshop but alot more complicated, it allows you to do more things on it has more suitable layout for a contents page and allows you to indicate thing you would like to do on your contents page alot easier.
What are the strenths and weaknesses of the products you use of media tecnolodys?
Quark express was quite good to use as it was suitable for a contents page as it allows you to have a more clear view of a contents page layout as you design it however photoshop it alot more simplified as it is easier to use and i am more familier with the software.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

My inital idea for my magazine and research to the market place

Initial idea
The type of music magazine I want to produce is an indie magazine which will have a target audience of people aged between 14-25 years old. The target audience would appeal to both boys and girls as the magazine would include a mixture of music however the genre of the music will mostly be indie.
Researching the market place
As my magazine is a indie magazine i would have to research into other similer indie magazines to see if there was any compentition between the magazines, the magazines i found that would be competitors was NME,Kerrange and Q, these list, interviews,Posters,colunms and talk about indie music as my magazine would.
Firstly,  the price of NME is £2.20 in a normal store it also states that the magazine cost £2.20 on the front cover, moreover, the magazine price is also located directly underneathe the magazine title that is were you see alot of prices on magazines. Secondly, NME frequency of publication is that the magazine comes out every week so there is always a new magazine every week. Thirdly, the issue size of the magazine (number of pages) is that is it usually round about 220 pages long that is including all contents like magazine content and advatisments. Fourthly, the weekly content of the NME magazine is that it usually has many differnt interviews with differnt bands or artists, it also may have posters that the owber of the magazine can cut out, it also may have differnt columns throughout the magazine with people talking about differnt music. Feature articles in NME magazine are very simlier to what you would expect from a indie music magazine its all about differnt bands music and interviews with images to go with them.

My Magazine front cover and contents page

My magazine font cover

My magazine contents page

My rough sketches of my magazine front cover and contents page

My rough contents page
I used this image on my magazine front cover as a side article.

I used this image on my magazine front cover as a side article

I used this image on my magazine front cover as the main image

i used this image on my magazine contents page as a feature article

i used this image on my magazine contents page as a feature article

i used this image on my magazine front cover as a side article

i used this image on my magazine contents page as a feature article

i used this image on my magazine front cover  as a side article

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Photographs of a variation differnt shots

Medium close-up from a low angle

This is a Big close-up of someone using a mobile phone

This is a close-up of someone in nature

This is a extreme close-up

This is a High angle shot
This is a medium close-up

This is a over the shoulder shot of someone writing

This is a close up shot connoting friendship

This is a close up shot connoting stress

This is a two medium shot

This is a very long shot conveying isolation

This is a very long shot