Wednesday, 20 October 2010

My questionnaire for music magazine

For my questionaire i chose questions that would be suitable for the type of magazine i wanted to make, i asked questions which would help me have a insight on what people like in a magazine, for example how much they would pay for it or what colour schemes are suitable for the genre of magazine i want to make.

For my AS coursework i would be very greatful of your time if you could fill out this questionaire.
1.     Are you male or female? Circle the answer

2.     What 3 words would you associate with indie?

3.     What is your favorite music magazine?

4.     How often do you buy a music magazine? Circle the answer

5.     On a scale of 1 to 5 , 1 being very important and 5 being irrelevant how      would you rate the following aspects of a magazine.
Pictures               1    2    3     4     5
Adverts               1    2     3     4    5
Competitions     1    2     3     4    5
Interviews          1    2     3     4    5

6.     What colours would you associate with a indie magazine

7.     Do you buy your music? Circle the answer

8.     Who is you favorite singer or band?

9.     Do you go to music concerts/ Gigs? Circle the answer
            10.  What would you say was your favorite part of a music magazine?

            11. What entices you to buy a music magazine

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