What ways does your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My magazine is a good media product i think that it follows all of the codes and conventions of all the needs that a professional media magazine needs however it could be imporved by the amount of effort that has been put into it, another reason my media developes the codes and conventions of a magazine is that it has a large title at the top of the page which you see in most magazines it also has a issue number, price and date on the front cover this also is seen on every magazine that you can buy, furthermore, my magazines contents page is deveoped to follow codes and coventions of a magazine it has many differnt images and features articles across the contents page most of the writing is written in coloums like most magazines and also every contents page has the word 'Conetnts' wrtitten on that page preferabley at the top and my contents page does that.
How did you use new meida tecnologys in the construction of your media products?
In my media project we used two differnt sofweres for the contents page i used photoshop, photoshop is quite straight forward as i am aware of how to use the softwear as we have used it many times before you just design you front cover on photoshop the way you desire and then you simply add images and text.
However, on my contents page i was intorduced to a new softwear i had never used before called Quark express this is a softwear alot more better than photoshop but alot more complicated, it allows you to do more things on it has more suitable layout for a contents page and allows you to indicate thing you would like to do on your contents page alot easier.
What are the strenths and weaknesses of the products you use of media tecnolodys?
Quark express was quite good to use as it was suitable for a contents page as it allows you to have a more clear view of a contents page layout as you design it however photoshop it alot more simplified as it is easier to use and i am more familier with the software.
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