Tuesday, 12 October 2010

My inital idea for my magazine and research to the market place

Initial idea
The type of music magazine I want to produce is an indie magazine which will have a target audience of people aged between 14-25 years old. The target audience would appeal to both boys and girls as the magazine would include a mixture of music however the genre of the music will mostly be indie.
Researching the market place
As my magazine is a indie magazine i would have to research into other similer indie magazines to see if there was any compentition between the magazines, the magazines i found that would be competitors was NME,Kerrange and Q, these list, interviews,Posters,colunms and talk about indie music as my magazine would.
Firstly,  the price of NME is £2.20 in a normal store it also states that the magazine cost £2.20 on the front cover, moreover, the magazine price is also located directly underneathe the magazine title that is were you see alot of prices on magazines. Secondly, NME frequency of publication is that the magazine comes out every week so there is always a new magazine every week. Thirdly, the issue size of the magazine (number of pages) is that is it usually round about 220 pages long that is including all contents like magazine content and advatisments. Fourthly, the weekly content of the NME magazine is that it usually has many differnt interviews with differnt bands or artists, it also may have posters that the owber of the magazine can cut out, it also may have differnt columns throughout the magazine with people talking about differnt music. Feature articles in NME magazine are very simlier to what you would expect from a indie music magazine its all about differnt bands music and interviews with images to go with them.

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